Tuesday, November 6, 2018

2018-11-06 - NUVO - 2018 Midterm Election Voters Guide


A few months back, we sent a questionnaire to all of the candidates on the Central Indiana ballot in the upcoming Nov. 6 election, the majority of which came directly from NUVO readers. You can read their unedited responses to the questions below, as well as candidate-provided biographies.

We hope this guide is helpful as you decide which candidate most closely reflects your values and deserves your vote. Please feel free to use the Voters Guide question box if we can help you with any additional information or answers between now and Nov. 6.

2018-12-19 - The Year in News: Midterm Elections 2018
Indiana voters turned out in record numbers for the Midterm Elections of 2018, and we've got a review of the stories they were most interested in ahead of election day.

2018-11-11 - Midterm Election Results 2018
Due to a record number of absentee ballots, the Marion County Clerk's office didn't release the final results until late Thursday. The Indiana Secretary of State's office now reports 100 percent of precincts have submitted their results, but they will not be finalized until 10 days after the election. Therefore, the results for the statewide judge retention questions are not yet available.

2018-11-05 - Voters Guide: When to Ask for a Provisional Ballot
What if you arrive at your assigned polling location on Election Day and you're told your name is not in the poll book? What if you don't have photo ID? What if your vote is challenged for some other reason? What should you do? Answer: You can always vote using a provisional ballot.

2018-11-05 - Voters Guide: Voting For Write-In Candidates
Like a fast food restaurant's secret menu, how to vote for write-in candidates may not be apparent, but you can still make it happen if you know how.

2018-10-31 - Voters Guide: The Roncalli Discrimination Question [Page: 8 and 9]
Our reader, Todd Fuqua, asks: Would you support legislation that would block public dollars from going to private schools if they engage in discriminatory employment practices based on sexual orientation or gender identity?

2018-10-31 - Voters Guide: The Impeachment Question [Page: 7]
We asked candidates for Senate, and House Districts 4, 5, and 7 the following question: “Many people are speculating that if the Democrats retake the House, they will begin impeachment proceedings for President Trump soon after. What would be your criteria be to support impeachment?”

2018-10-18 - NUVO Voters Guide: Donnelly v. Braun
Sen. Joe Donnelly, D-Indiana, was first elected in 2012, defeating Republican Richard Mourdock to take retiring six-term incumbent Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Indiana. Now the only elected statewide Democrat, Donnelly faces a re-election challenge from Republican Mike Braun and Libertarian Lucy Brenton.

2018-10-08 – Voters Guide - US Senate: Third Party
Sen. Joe Donnelly, D-Indiana, was first elected in 2012, defeating Republican Richard Mourdock to take retiring six-term incumbent Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Indiana. Now the only elected statewide Democrat, Donnelly faces a re-election challenge from Republican Mike Braun, as well as several third-party candidates including Libertarian Lucy Brenton and Independent Christopher Fischer.

2018-10-08 – Voters Guide - US House District 4: Baird v Beck
The 4th Congressional District is currently represented by outgoing Republican Rep. Todd Rokita. Since 2010, Baird has represented District 44 in the Indiana House of Representatives. Baird faces Democratic challenger Tobi Beck for the open seat.

2018-10-07 – Voters Guide - US House District 5: Brooks v Thornton
First elected in 2012, incumbent Republican Rep. Susan Brooks is facing a re-election challenge from Democrat Dee Thornton.

2018-10-07 – Voters Guide - US House District 6: Five Candidates
Looking to replace outgoing Republican Rep. Luke Messer are Libertarian Tom Ferkinhoff, Democrat Jeannine Lee Lake, Independent Heather Meloy, Independent John Miller, and Republican Greg Pence.

2018-10-07 – Voters Guide - US House District 7: Carson v Harmon
First elected in 2008, incumbent Democratic Rep. AndrĂ© Carson is running for re-election against Republican challenger Wayne “Gunny” Harmon.

2018-10-07 – Voters Guide - US House District 9: Hollingsworth v Watson
Rep. Trey Hollingsworth, R-Indiana, was first elected to represent the District 9 in the United States House of Representatives in 2016. Previous representative Todd Young left the job when he was voted into his current seat as Senator during the same election. Hollingsworth faces a re-election challenge from Democrat Liz Watson.

2018-10-05 – Voters Guide - Secretary of State: Five Candidates (Shorter version ran in the Oct. 31, 2018 print edition on Page 6.)
Republican Indiana Secretary of State Connie Lawson was first appointed in 2012 by then Gov. Mitch Daniels after predecessor Charlie White resigned. Lawson faces a re-election challenge from Democratic Party candidate Jim Harper, Pirate Party candidate Jeremy Heath, Libertarian candidate Mark W. Rutherford, and Green Party candidate George W. Wolfe.

2018-10-05 – Voters Guide - State Auditor: Klutz v Whitticker and Schick
This is the first election for Republican Indiana Auditor of State Tera Klutz, who was appointed last year after Gov. Eric Holcomb appointed her to replace now Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch. Klutz is facing a challenge from Democrat Joselyn Whitticker and Libertarian John Schick.

2018-10-05 – Voters Guide - State Treasurer: Mitchell v Aguilera
Republican Indiana Treasurer of State Kelly Mitchell, who was first elected in 2014, faces a challenge from Democrat John C. Aguilera.

2018-10-02 – Voters Guide - IN Senate D-29: Delph v Ford
Sen. Mike Delph, R-Carmel, has represented District 29 in the Indiana Senate since 2005. As was the case in 2014, he is once again being challenged by Democrat J.D. Ford.

2018-10-02 – Voters Guide - IN Senate D-31: Merritt v Camp
First elected to represent District 31 in the Indiana State Senate in 1990, Republican Sen. James Merritt Jr. is facing a re-election challenge from Democrat Derek Camp.

2018-10-01 – Voters Guide - IN House D-58: Burton v Reinert
First elected to represent District 58 in the Indiana House of Representatives in 1988, Republican Rep. Charles “Woody” Burton faces a re-election challenge from Democrat Cindy Reinert.

2018-10-01 – Voters Guide - IN House D-86: Delaney (Unopposed)
For the second time since he assumed office in 2009, Rep. Edward DeLaney, D-Indianapolis, is running unopposed in Indiana House District 86. DeLaney first ran without a challenger in the 2014 election.

2018-10-01 – Voters Guide - IN House D-87: Hamilton v Finch
Rep. Carey Hamilton, D-Indianapolis, was elected serve District 87 in the Indiana House of Representatives in 2016, when she defeated Republican challenger Connie Eckert. Previous office holder, Democrat Christina Hale, decided not to run for re-election when she began her unsuccessful bid for lieutenant governor. This year, Hamilton faces off against Republican challenger Paula Finch.

2018-10-01 – Voters Guide - IN House D-88: Bosma v Gill
First elected in 1986, Republican House Speaker Brian Bosma is facing a re-election challenge from Democrat Poonam Gill.

2018-10-01 – Voters Guide – IN House D-89: Kirchhofer v Barnes
First elected to represent District 89 in the Indiana House of Representatives in 2010, Republican Rep. Cindy Kirchhofer, R-Indianapolis, is facing a re-election challenge from Democrat John Barnes.

2018-10-01 – Voters Guide – IN House D-90: Speedy v Jeffers
First elected in 2010 to represent District 90 in the Indiana House of Representatives, Rep. Mike Speedy, R-Indianapolis, is facing a re-election challenge from Democrat Tim Jeffers.

2018-10-01 – Voters Guide – IN House D-92: Macer (Unopposed)
For the first time since she joined the Statehouse in 2012, Rep. Karlee Macer, D-Indianapolis, is running unopposed for re-election.

2018-10-01 – Voters Guide - IN House D-94: Pryor (Unopposed)
Rep. Cherrish Pryor, D-Indianapolis, has represented the 94th District in the Indiana House of Representatives for the last decade. The former Indianapolis City-County Councilmember is running unopposed this year.

2018-10-01 – Voters Guide – IN House D-93: Frizzell v Rathnow
First elected to represent District 93 in the Indiana House of Representatives in 1992, Rep. David Frizzell, R-Indianapolis, is facing a re-election challenge from Democrat Greg Rathnow.

2018-10-01 – Voters Guide – IN House D-96: Porter (Unopposed)
First elected in 1992 to represent District 96 in the Indiana House of Representatives, Rep. Gregory W. Porter, D-Indianapolis, is running unopposed.

2018-10-01 – Voters Guide – IN House D-97: Moed (Unopposed)
After being first elected in 2012, this is the second time, after 2014, Rep. Justin Moed, D-Indianapolis, has no opponent in the race for Indiana House District 97.

2018-10-01 – Voters Guide – IN House D-98: Shackleford (Unopposed)
Rep. Robin Shackleford, D-Indianapolis, was first elected to represent District 98 in the Indiana House of Representatives in 2012, when she ran unopposed. She's once again running unopposed, this time for re-election.

2018-09-30 – Voters Guide – Marion County Prosecutor
Democrat Terry R. Curry is seeking a third term as Prosecuting Attorney of Marion County. He is facing off against Republican challenger Benjamin D. Strahm.

2018-09-30 – Voters Guide – Marion County Sheriff
Marion County Sheriff John Layton is not running for re-election given the constraints of the two-term limit. Instead, running for his seat are Republican candidate Brian K. Durham and Democratic candidate Kerry Joseph Forestal.

2018-09-30 – Voters Guide – Marion County Auditor
Democratic Marion County Auditor Julie Voorhies faces a re-election challenge from Republican Caarn Heir.

2018-09-30 – Voters Guide – Marion County Recorder
First elected as Marion County Recorder in 2014, Democratic incumbent Kate Sweeney Bell is running for re-election against Republican challenger Paul Annee.

2018-09-30 – Voters Guide – Marion County Circuit Court Clerk
Four years after she first won Marion County Circuit Court clerk, Democrat Myla A. Ethridge faces a re-election challenge from Republican Kyle Leffel.

2018-09-28 - Voters Guide: Understanding Judicial Races [Shorter version later republished in print edition Oct. 17, 2018 on Page 7.]
When voters head to the polls on Election Day, Nov. 6, they will make their way through all the familiar races including Senate, House, and a myriad of local candidates.

2018-08-27 - NUVO Midterm Election Questionnaire Completed
I'm including a sample of the responses I received here, and out of the five questions I'm sending to each candidate, I will make sure at least three of them come directly from the list below.

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